Hello! ♥
As I haven't posted much this month (or last for that matter but we will let that slide!) I thought it would be a nice idea to share with you what August has consisted of for me in pictures!
You may, if you follow me on instagram (Ashlee_yy), have seen some of these already as I'm rather obsessed with taking pictures and uploading them to insta! Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Explanations from top left to bottom right:
The first picture is the beautiful view on one of my runs along the rail way track. Literally one of the only things I love about living in the countryside.
Then we have my new white blazer and pink top. Obviously I've shopped a lot during August, as I do every month! But this has been one of my faves, I've wanted a white blazer for the longest time and this topshop one is just beaut!
Nandos. What more can I say, I'm obsessed!
New top, but most of all fave lipstick! You all know since I bought Rimmel's Apocalips lip colour I haven't been the biggest fan, but this month it really is growing on me in the colour galaxy and I have to admit it has been my most worn.
Eggs. I have been trying to eat healthy, workout loads and hopefully loose my fatty wee tummy! I used to hate eggs but I've been experimenting and I can honestly say, I no longer despise them.
Pink sky at night. See, the most beautiful thing about countryside living is the views. So pretty!
Scone with eyes? Yes, I'm mature. You will have seen from my birthday haul that my sister got me these edible eyes and obviously I've been sticking them on all of my families food.
This has been one of my favourite hair styles this month, so easy to do, so comfortable and still looks cute. Sometimes I just wear the doughnut alone but I think the bow adds a girly cute touch to boring outfit days.
Lastly, my new Chanel nail polish phone case. I've been loving this thing to bits. Its downfall would be that it scratched so easily but, what did I expect for under a fiver?
Anyway, there has been my favourites for the month of August!
Hope you enjoyed them,
What have your favourites been this month?